Detailed itinerary
You’ll discover a natural environment rich in flora and fauna, with a bucolic atmosphere and a restful ambience.
To discover on the route
Boucle du Daviaud
Distance :13.0 km
Your itinerary
Step 1: Le marais salé
The salt marsh is a vast, flat expanse of land where trees have almost completely disappeared. It is a combination of marshland, naturally covered by high tide, and man-made landforms dating back to the 5th century. The land was reclaimed from the sea by dams and dykes, drained by hundreds of canals (étiers) and tamed by locks. Once salt marshes, these areas are now used as grazing land for horses and cattle.
Step 2: L’écluse de la Croix Givrand
Step 3: Le Daviaud
This cycling loop gives you just a glimpse of the Marais Breton Vendéen… To immerse yourself even further in the local culture and add another dimension to your ride, pass through the gates of Le Daviaud. A poetic and authentic world set in 5 hectares of unspoilt nature. Discover the marsh, its landscapes, its history, its people and its culture…
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