Sentier de l'explorateur

Detailed itinerary

Panonceau bois avec étoile de mer, fixé en hauteur sur les arbres


The Explorer's Trail consists of 960 m of forest paths in Saint Jean de Monts, which can be walked all year round.

The state-owned forest, with its sandy soil, is not always the most practicable environment. But there’s no question of denying yourself the benefits of an outing in the pine forest! The Explorer’s Trail has been designed to make the forest accessible to everyone. Whether you’re disabled, elderly or a family with young children and pushchairs, let the little starfish with the laughing face be your guide…

There’s plenty to discover on this 1 km loop. Have fun distinguishing the maritime pines from the holm oaks, look for the footprints of small (or large) animals that have passed before you, “zap” the pond in the hope of spotting a dragonfly or two… Enjoy the walk!
Distance1.0 km

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