peche aux pignons paysdesaintjeandemonts

Pignons – Small local clams

How to cook “pignons” from the sea

Pignons (small local clams) are a real treasure that can be found on the huge beaches in Pays de Saint Jean de Monts.

You need to be equipped with a basket and a scraper with 3 prongs to try out this shell-fishing on foot.

It is the perfect combination of leisure and food.

Cleaning / preparation

Soak the pignons for several hours (overnight or throughout the day) in a bowl with salted water (sea water or water with large salt crystals) so that they can disgorge all the sand and grit.

Cooking method:

  • Rince the pignons in clean water.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the pignons, cover and stir regularly.
  • When they are open, add finely chopped garlic, parsley and cream and continue to stir for around a minute (the time for the cream to heat up and the pignons to absorb the garlic and parsley).
  • It is also possible to try them raw with bread and butter or just in butter.