
La Déferlante – Spectacle Virages Cie Fracasse de 12

The Thursday 04 July at 21 a.m30
Espace des Oiseaux 85160 SAINT-JEAN-DE-MONTS

Event description

Virage! is the story of a friendship, a bet on the school benches, and 30 years later a show. Showing bodies as they age. Is there a rite of passage? A form of resilience?
Today we take part in a high-flying demonstration by B.M.X. (Bicycle Moto Cross) champion Pierre Guéhéneuc, presented by Morvan Leray, his famous musical and sports coach.
Today we’ll be watching a training session and the testimonies of two protagonists at a world cycling championship in Colombia.
From yesterday to today we plunge into a space-time wave in 45 minutes.
This show is about being a champion. Being a competitor and winning! Aiming for the podium, being the first, the best! But what does that really mean? What remains of those glorious years 20 years later? What does the body say about injuries? How do you recover from multiple accidents?

Duration of the walk: 50 minutes
Open to the public

All dates and times

Opening hours on 04 July 2024
ThursdayOpens at 21h30



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Espace des Oiseaux
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