
Gros Débit Cie Facile d'Excès – Fantaisie Musicale Burlesque

The Thursday 08 August at 21 a.m30
Espace du petit bois 85550 LA BARRE-DE-MONTS

Event description

A conquest of the useless, a bet on lightness… improvised by three merry maestros! Here, everything is a pretext for play… they play music and they play it! Virtuosity isn't always where you expect it, and neither are false notes! It's a show with no head or tail, no words either, and very little sound, but it's sure to make a lot of noise!

All dates and times

Opening hours on 08 August 2024
ThursdayOpens at 21h30

How to get there


Espace du petit bois
How do I get there?

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