
Balade découverte du Marais Breton Vendéen en petit train

The Friday 12 July at 10 a.m00
Rue du général de Gaulle 85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS

Event description

Guided tour of the flora and fauna of the Marais Breton Vendéen. Departure: Town Centre (Church), 10am.
Bookings required at the Tourist Office.

All dates and times

Opening hours on 12 July 2024
FridayOpen from 10h to 11h15
Opening hours on 19 July 2024
FridayOpen from 10h to 11h15
Opening hours on 26 July 2024
FridayOpen from 10h to 11h15
Opening hours on 02 August 2024
FridayOpen from 10h to 11h15
Opening hours on 09 August 2024
FridayOpen from 10h to 11h15
Opening hours on 16 August 2024
FridayOpen from 10h to 11h15
Opening hours on 23 August 2024
FridayOpen from 10h to 11h15
Opening hours on 30 August 2024
FridayOpen from 10h to 11h15


Basic price
11 €
Children's price
5 €
Child group rate
0 €

How to get there


Rue du général de Gaulle
How do I get there?

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