14 July 15 August 2024

Saint Jean de Monts / Notre Dame de Monts / La Barre de Monts - Fromentine / Soullans

Whether during the warm summer months or in the heart of winter, fireworks in the Pays de Saint Jean de Monts have an undeniable allure that brings people together. Holidaymakers and locals alike gather to share in the excitement! 

Fireworks: An Unmissable Event

There’s a certain magic in the air on fireworks nights, isn’t there? A joyful buzz fills homes and holiday accommodations: the little ones, thrilled by the chance to stay up late, feel a mix of excitement and nervousness because, after all, fireworks can be a bit scary! Meanwhile, the adults, eager to recapture their childhood wonder, relish these moments with family and friends. They recall their own childhood awe at the dazzling lights and explosive sounds of these festive displays. 

Upcoming Fireworks in Pays de Saint Jean de Monts 

Mark your calendars!

  • Sunday, 14 July 2024: Saint Jean de Monts, Notre Dame de Monts, La Barre de Monts – Fromentine and Soullans
  • Thursday, 15 August 2024: Notre Dame de Monts and La Barre de Monts – Fromentine

When the Sky and Sea Adorn Themselves in a Thousand Colours 

Firework technicians spend weeks preparing to offer spectators a moment of suspended time, a few minutes of magic.

Photo of a firework display from the beach at Notre Dame de Monts

The crowd gathers in waves, each person seeking the perfect spot: sitting comfortably on the beach, higher up on the promenade, in the village square, or a bit further away for a panoramic view. Whether in flip-flops or bundled up in long scarves, depending on the season, the scene is always the same: eyes fixed on the sky, everyone waits for the signal, the first spark. 

The anticipation is part of the experience, waiting for night to fully set in before the show can truly begin. And then it starts! Candles, bombs, comets, torches, and rockets burst into life. The lights reflect on the ocean, and the spectators’ cheers, gasps of surprise, and the occasional tears from the youngest members of the audience fill the air. 

Who hasn’t tried to guess the colour of the next rocket? 

Crackling in the Sky and in Our Hearts 

For 10, 15, or 20 minutes, the fireworks offer a moment suspended in time. Everything else pauses. In the dark night, sparks cross the starry sky. Then comes the grand finale. Both eagerly awaited and slightly dreaded, it lights up the sky with such intensity it almost feels like daylight, the sequence of explosions overwhelming. 

Finally, it all stops. The fire goes out, leaving the audience in darkness and silence for a few moments. The smell of gunpowder lingers, linking back to childhood memories. Then, everyone rises, heads filled with light and ears still ringing from the explosions, ready to enjoy the rest of their evening. Whether it ends with a stroll, a dance, or a drink at a lively café terrace, it’s been a wonderful time! One more memory to add to our collection, transforming into a cherished moment. Here’s to next year! 

Fireworks: The Highlight of Many Events in the Pays de Saint Jean de Monts

Photo of fireworks in Saint Jean de Monts with the big wheel illuminated

In the Pays de Saint Jean de Monts, fireworks accompany a night flight at the Festival à Tout Vent, a parade during the Festival Kids’ Folies, a traditional dance on Bastille Day, or even a Christmas market. Whether on 14 July, 15 August, during village festivals, or end-of-year celebrations, it’s a unifying event. Everyone loves comparing it to previous editions, noting its duration, intensity, and musical ambiance. 

See you soon under the illuminated sky of the Pays de Saint Jean de Monts! 

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